Dear Byvaltsev Vadim,
We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for Child's Nervous System. Volume 33 Number 5 is now available online.
Important news
In this issue
Psychiatric and neurologic lessons in the oldest Persian medical liber. Akhawayani Bokhari (?-died 983 AD), physician of insane.
Mohammadreza Ardalan
Factors contributing to spinal cord infarction occurring in surgery performed in the prone position
D D Cochrane
Questions about isolated traumatic shaking and confessions
Niels Lynøe, Måns Rosén & Anders Eriksson
Midline occipital suture: a rare finding
Dimitrios Varthalitis & Chris Parks
Changes in brain microstructure during infancy and childhood using clinical feasible ADC-maps
Eva Bültmann, Hans Joachim Mußgnug, Antonia Zapf, Hans Hartmann, Thomas Nägele & Heinrich Lanfermann
Outcome of treatment after failed endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) in infants with aqueductal stenosis: results from the International Infant Hydrocephalus Study (IIHS)
Abhaya V. Kulkarni, Spyros Sgouros & Shlomi Constantini
SSh versus TSE sequence protocol in rapid MR examination of pediatric patients with programmable drainage system
Eva Brichtová & J. Šenkyřík
Valve exchange towards an adjustable differential pressure valve with gravitational unit, clinical outcome of a single-center study
S. Alavi, M. Schulz, A. Schaumann, K. Schwarz & Ulrich W. Thomale
Altered cerebrospinal fluid dynamics in neurofibromatosis type l: severe arachnoid thickening in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 may cause abnormal CSF dynamic
Young Sill Kang, Eun-Kyung Park, Yong-Oock Kim, Ju-Seong Kim, Dong-Seok Kim, U. W. Thomale & Kyu-Won Shim
Pediatric infratentorial meningiomas: a series of 19 cases and review of the literature
Hai Liu, Wei Luo, Jiaxin Li, Jun Yang & Yulun Xu
5ALA in pediatric brain tumors is not routinely beneficial
Jonathan Roth & Shlomi Constantini
Effect of Nigella sativa seed administration on prevention of febrile neutropenia during chemotherapy among children with brain tumors
HebatAlla Fathi Mohamed Mousa, Nesrin Kamal Abd-El-Fatah, Olfat Abdel-Hamid Darwish, Shehata Farag Shehata & Shady Hassan Fadel
Perioperative antibiotic use in vagus nerve stimulator implantation: a clinical series
Jeffrey S. Raskin, Daniel Hansen, Arvind Mohan, I-Wen Pan, Daniel J. Curry & Sandi Lam
Cerebrospinal fluid neuron specific enolase, interleukin-1β and erythropoietin concentrations in children after seizures
Ling-min Shi, Rui-jie Chen, Hui Zhang, Chun-ming Jiang & Jian Gong
Early outcomes of spinal growth tethering for idiopathic scoliosis with a novel device: a prospective study with 2 years of follow-up
M. Boudissa, A. Eid, E. Bourgeois, J. Griffet & A. Courvoisier
Diameters and bone thickness at the margin of the foramen magnum in dry skulls from pediatric population: a cross-sectional anatomical study
Marina Raguz, Pero Hrabac, Dora Sedmak, Miroslav Gjurasin & Natasa Kovacic
Otto Mennicke (1876–) and the first description of skull base anomalies causing cerebellar tonsillar ectopia: one of the first mentions of the Chiari I malformation
Fabian N. Fries, Philipp Hendrix, Titus J. Brinker, Marios Loukas & R. Shane Tubbs
Evaluation of the central sleep apnea in asymptomatic children with Chiari 1 malformation: an open question
Marco Zaffanello, Francesco Sala, Luca Sacchetto, Emma Gasperi & Giorgio Piacentini
Cerebellopontine angle tumors in young children, displaying cranial nerve deficits, and restricted diffusion on diffusion-weighted imaging: a new clinical triad for atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors
Joel S. Katz, Pier Paolo Peruzzi, Christopher R. Pierson, Jonathan L. Finlay & Jeffrey R. Leonard
Cerebellopontine angle medulloblastoma with extensive nodularity in a child: case report and review of the literature
Raywat Noiphithak, Vich Yindeedej & Chatchai Thamwongskul
An aggressive parameningeal rhabdomyosarcoma with multiple spinal cord metastases: a case report and review of the literature
Guler Yavas, Pinar Karabagli, Yahya Paksoy, Cagdas Yavas, Hakan Karabagli & Yavuz Koksal