Your CW: Spine Complications Course, Submit ASSFN Abstracts, & the DC News

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The e-newsletter of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons

 August 06, 2017


 It’s Back! Registration is Open for the CNS Spine Complications Course

 Take your place among a small, highly qualified group of experts and peers in gorgeous Park City, Utah, February 2–4, for Reach for the Peak: Maximizing Quality in Spine Surgery through Case Complications Review.

 The inclusive and collaborative forum fulfills the requirements of the ABNS MOC requirements Part IV: Evidence of Evaluation of Performance in Practice, and provides opportunities for candid and honest debate on your most challenging complications related to spinal surgery.

 Register Now

 Abstract Center for ASSFN Biennial Meeting Now Open

 Submit your original science abstracts for the 2018 ASSFN Biennial Meeting, June 2–5, 2018 in Denver, Colorado. The meeting will bring experts together to share the latest research and information in the field. Submit your abstracts by January 10, 2018, to be considered for inclusion at the meeting.

 Get Trauma CME with Our Trauma Bundle

 Need a convenient way to meet your trauma CME requirement? Try our Trauma: Brain Injury Bundle, approved for up to 16 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™! The bundle contains the SANS Neurotrauma exam, plus five on-demand products, including a guidelines update, oral board review, and more.

 June/July DC E-News Now Available

 Looking for an update on the many goings-on in Washington and how they might affect you? Review the latest volume of our Washington DC E-newsletter to stay abreast of the issues.

 August Issue of Neurosurgery Now Online

 Access the premier journal of neurosurgery online, anywhere – the new, August issue of Neurosurgery is online now! Don’t miss these highlights:

 Reviews in Spinal Surgery: Cover Essay

 Reviews in Spinal Surgery: The Quest for Balance

 Reviews in Spinal Surgery

 Cervical Spine Deformity—Part 1: Biomechanics, Radiographic Parameters, and Classification

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 Congress of Neurological Surgeons10 North Martingale Road, Suite 190
 Schaumburg, Illinois 60173

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