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In this issue
Anatomy of cranial nerves in the first Turkish illustrated anatomy manuscript
İlhan Bahşi, Mustafa Orhan, Murat Çetkin, Begümhan Turhan & Semih Sayın
Fetal ventriculomegaly: diagnostic, ethical and semantic considerations
Laurent Guibaud, A. Lacalm & E. Rault
In reply to “Letter to the Editor: Fetal ventriculomegaly: Diagnosis, treatment, and future directions.”
Jared M. Pisapia & Gregory G. Heuer
Can we really safely abandon a catheter into the peritoneal cavity?
Nicolas Berte, R. Karunna, A. Joud, O. Larmure & J. L. Lemelle
Hippocampal non-von Hippel-Lindau hemangioblastoma—a rare case
Jun Huang, Dan Li & Ding Lei
Giant occipital aneurysmal bone cyst caused to hydrocephalus in a child
Mesut Mete, Yusuf Kurtulus Duransoy, Celal Çinar, Gülgün Ovali, Peyker Temiz & Mehmet Selcuki
Successful multimodal treatment of a gigantic choroid plexus carcinoma (CPC) in an 8-year-old girl
Homajoun Maslehaty, Roman Frantsev, Sarah Teuber-Hanselmann, Stephan Tippelt & Ulrich Sure
Brain MRI in a patient with classical galactosemia: acute event of unilateral hemispheric cerebral edema
Tiago Gil Oliveira & João Paulo Soares-Fernandes
Letter to the Editor: Presentation of extrapontine myelinolysis associated with hypernatremia in an infant: a case report
Jacob Archer, Wei X. Huff & Andrew Jea
Elimination of medically intractable epileptic drop attacks following endoscopic total corpus callosotomy in Rett syndrome
Keisuke Ueda, Sandeep Sood, Eishi Asano, Ajay Kumar & Aimee F. Luat
Review Paper |
The history of optic chiasm from antiquity to the twentieth century
Claudia Florida Costea, Şerban Turliuc, Cătălin Buzdugă, Andrei Ionuţ Cucu, Gabriela Florenţa Dumitrescu, Anca Sava & Mihaela Dana Turliuc
Management of concomitant scoliosis and tethered cord syndrome in non-spina bifida pediatric population
Kaan Yaltırık, Najib E. El Tecle, Matthew J. Pierson, Aki Puryear, Basar Atalay & Samer K. Elbabaa
Original Paper |
The significance of polymorphisms in genes encoding Il-1β, Il-6, TNFα, and Il-1RN in the pathogenesis of intraventricular hemorrhage in preterm infants
Dawid Szpecht, Janusz Gadzinowski, Agnieszka Seremak-Mrozikiewicz, Grażyna Kurzawińska, Krzysztof Drews & Marta Szymankiewicz
Time-to-event analysis of surgically treated posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus in preterm infants: a single-institution retrospective study
Rowland H. Han, Daniel Berger, Mohamed Gabir, Brandon S. Baksh, Diego M. Morales, Amit M. Mathur, Christopher D. Smyser, Jennifer M. Strahle & David D. Limbrick
Craniocerebral birth injuries in term newborn infants: a retrospective series
Pieter Nachtergaele, Frank Van Calenbergh & Lieven Lagae
Resveratrol ameliorates hypoxia/ischemia-induced brain injury in the neonatal rat via the miR-96/Bax axis
Hongen Bian, Haijun Shan & Tuanying Chen
Conversion of external ventricular drainage to ventriculo-peritoneal shunt: to change or not to change the proximal catheter?
Jehuda Soleman, Haggai Benvenisti, Shlomi Constantini & Jonathan Roth
LIN28A, a sensitive immunohistochemical marker for Embryonal Tumor with Multilayered Rosettes (ETMR), is also positive in a subset of Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor (AT/RT)
Shilpa Rao, R. T. Rajeswarie, T. Chickabasaviah Yasha, Bevinahalli N. Nandeesh, Arimappamagan Arivazhagan & Vani Santosh
A retrospective review of 34 cases of pediatric pituitary adenoma
Nannan Zhang, Peizhi Zhou, Yu Meng, Feng Ye & Shu Jiang