Tuesday, 21 November 2017  |
New research presented at NASS 2017 into astronauts returning from six months aboard the International Space Station is likely to have implications on Earth for the role of muscular stability in chronic low back pain and disc injuries.
Resarch has shed light on the genetic factors at play in the risk and progression of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). The studies suggest that AIS is heavily influenced by genetics, and more recent work has identified a number of factors likely involved in its incidence and progression.
The rapidly changing healthcare environment poses a substantial amount of challenges. In the USA, this environment has shifted from surgeon preference and surgeon-driven expenditures to hospital mandates and, by extension, government-run insurance policies, as a vehicle for establishing a standard of care, writes Joshua Abrams.
A European CE mark has been received by Medtronic for its neurostimulation platform Intellis for spinal cord stimulation and peripheral nerve stimulation in the treatment of chronic pain.
Stim onTrack, an app from Orthofix International designed to help patients comply with bone growth stimulation therapy, has been announced as the winner of the 2017 Spine Technology Award.
Two ALIF procedures were undertaken at Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane, Australia. Richard Laherty performed the procedures “successfully” in October, the company says.