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In this issue
Constantin von Monakow (1853–1930) and his legacy to science
Levent Sarikcioglu
Prof. Satoshi Matsumoto eulogy
Hiroaki Sakamoto
In memory of Professor Satoshi Matsumoto
Tadanori Tomita
Vinchon’s responses raise additional questions about the shaken baby-study
Niels Lynøe, Måns Rosén & Anders Eriksson
Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) due to neuroblastoma in a child presenting with acute hydrocephalus
V. Aureli, L. Giammattei, R. Maduri, R. T. Daniel & M. Messerer
DTI fusion with conventional MR imaging in intra-operative MRI suite for paediatric brainstem glioma biopsy
Sharon Y. Y. Low, Shui Yen Soh, Min Wei Chen, Lee Ping Ng, David C. Y. Low & Wan Tew Seow
A unique case of lissencephaly with Crouzon syndrome heterozygous for FGFR2 mutation
Ai Peng Tan & Kshitij Mankad
Dumbbell-shaped atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor in the cervical spine mimicking schwannoma
Sukwoo Hong & Hideki Ogiwara
Epidermoid cyst of the fourth ventricle in a child
Panagiotis Kokkalis, Christos Chamilos & Spyros Sgouros
Peritoneal catheter knot formation in ventriculoperitoneal shunting: an intraoperative artificial phenomenon?
Yusuke S. Hori, Yuki Ebisudani, Michiari Umakoshi, Mizuho Aoi & Toru Fukuhara
Congenital absence of the bilateral internal carotid artery: a review of the associated (ab)normalities from a newborn status to the eighth decade of life
Ljiljana Vasović, Milena Trandafilović, Slobodan Vlajković & Goran Radenković
Optical coherence tomography as a marker of vision in children with optic pathway gliomas
Ana Banc, Cristina Stan & Ioan Stefan Florian
The congenital Zika virus infection: still a puzzle
José Francisco M. Salomão
Zika virus infection in children: epidemiology and clinical manifestations
Marcos Vinicius da Silva Pone, Sheila Moura Pone, Andrea Araujo Zin, Pedro Henrique Barros Mendes, Mitsue Senra Aibe, Elisa Barroso de Aguiar & Tallita de Oliveira Gomes da Silva
Neurological manifestations of congenital Zika virus infection
Tania Saad, Alessandra Augusta PennaeCosta, Fernanda Veiga de Góes, Marcela de Freitas, Julia Valeriano de Almeida, Lúcio José de Santa Ignêz, Ana Paula Amancio, Renata Joviano Alvim & Ludmilla Athayde Antunes Kramberger
Challenges for molecular and serological ZIKV infection confirmation
Zilton Farias Meira de Vasconcelos, Renata Campos Azevedo, Nathália Thompson, Leonardo Gomes, Letícia Guida & Maria Elisabeth Lopes Moreira
Imaging findings in congenital Zika virus infection syndrome: an update
Andrea Silveira de Souza, Patrícia Soares de Oliveira-Szjenfeld, Adriana Suely de Oliveira Melo, Luis Alberto Moreira de Souza, Alba Gean Medeiros Batista & Fernanda Tovar-Moll
Congenital Zika virus infection: a neuropathological review
L. Chimelli & E. Avvad-Portari
Hydrocephalus associated to congenital Zika syndrome: does shunting improve clinical features?
Eduardo Jucá, André Pessoa, Erlane Ribeiro, Rafaela Menezes, Saile Kerbage, Thayse Lopes & Luciano Pamplona Cavalcanti
Significance of H3K27M mutation with specific histomorphological features and associated molecular alterations in pediatric high-grade glial tumors
Süheyla Uyar Bozkurt, A. Dagcinar, B. Tanrikulu, N. Comunoglu, B. C. Meydan, M. Ozek & B. Oz
Age-related T2 relaxation times at 3 Tesla as a biomarker of infratentorial brain maturation
Eva Bültmann, Loukia M. Spineli, Friederike Göhner, Hans Hartmann & Heinrich Lanfermann
A clinical scoring system to predict the development of intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) in premature infants
Yesim Coskun, Semra Isik, Tevfik Bayram, Kamran Urgun, Sibel Sakarya & Ipek Akman
Use of computer-assisted design and manufacturing to localize dural venous sinuses during reconstructive surgery for craniosynostosis
Rajiv R. Iyer, Adela Wu, Alexandra Macmillan, Leila Musavi, Regina Cho, Joseph Lopez, George I. Jallo, Amir H. Dorafshar & Edward S. Ahn