Applied Biosciences and Bioengineering
Dear Dr. Byvaltsev,
We came an interesting paper of yours Microvascular Anastomosis Training
in Neurosurgery: A Review. Minim. Invasive Surg. 2018, 0, 6130286.
We are pleased to inform that Applied Sciences received an updated
Journal Impact Factor of *1.689* in the June 2018 release of the Journal
Citation Reports®. See more details:
At this moment, in view of your outstanding achievements in this field,
on behalf of the Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Takayoshi Kobayashi, we would
like to invite a contribution from you (i.e., either a research paper,
review article or communication) on any related topic to the Section
"Applied Biosciences and Bioengineering" of Applied Sciences
Your paper will also be highly advertised and circulated. Everyone will
be able to easily access and read this paper, as it will be freely
available online.
The submission deadline is 30 December 2018. You may submit
your manuscript anytime before the deadline. All manuscripts received
before that date will be *published online immediately* after being
Article Processing Charges (APC) of 1400 CHF for Applied Sciences apply
to accepted papers in 2018. Please note that for papers submitted after
31 December 2018 an APC of 1500 CHF applies. Manuscripts are
peer-reviewed and a first decision is provided to authors approximately
24 days after submission; acceptance to publication is then undertaken
in 8 days (median values in 2016). The rejection rate is 77.2% in 2016.
We sincerely hope this invitation will receive your favorable
consideration. Should you require further information, please do not
hesitate to contact me. I will be more than happy to offer my assistance.
Thank you for your attention and consideration. We would be grateful to
receive your decision by 28 September 2018.
Best Wishes,
Ms. Maddie Ke
Section Managing Editor
Twitter: @applsci
Applied Sciences 2017 CiteScore™ Announced - 1.90
Applied Sciences (IF: 1.689;
*Young Investigator Award* in Biosciences and Bioengineering 2018 (1,500
Prof. Dr. Takayoshi Kobayashi
Advanced Ultrafast Laser Research Center
The University of Electro-Communications
Tokyo, Japan
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