10th LBP Congress: CALL FOR PAPERS - Deadline 20 December!

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Call for Papers


10th LBP Congress






20 December '18: Call for Papers


February/March 2019: Notification to authors


April 2019: Preliminary Program and Registration will be on the website


1 June '19: Early registration fee










1992 San Diego, USA


1995 La Jolla, USA


1998 Vienna, Austria


2001 Montreal, Canada


2004 Melbourne, Australia


2007 Barcelona, Spain


2010 Los Angeles, USA


2013 Dubai, UAE


2016 Singapore








CALL FOR PAPERS: Deadline - 20 December 2018


We have had an enthusiastic response to the Call for Papers, remember to get your abstracts in by 20th December!


The Scientific Committee is looking for papers on:


* Anatomy and biomechanics


* Epidemiology: evidence based papers on effective diagnostic and therapy outcome


* Lumbar pain


* Pelvic girdle pain


* Motor control


* Minimally invasive surgery


* Sports medicine


* Exercise and therapeutic interventions


* Manual/osteopathic/chiropractic techniques


* Prevention and education


Information on formats of presentations, instructions for authors etc. is available on www.worldcongresslbp.com.


All submissions should be made through the abstract form available on the website.


Please feel free to share this information with colleagues or any other institutes or organizations.




The Scientific Program Committee will review all submitted papers.


Please realize that papers received after the DEADLINE will not be reviewed.


Andry Vleeming, The Netherlands


Lieven Danneels, Belgium


Ted Dreisinger, U.S.A


Britt Stuge, Norway


Jaap van Dieën, The Netherlands


Bengt Sturesson, Sweden


Paul Hodges, Australia


Robert Schleip, Germany


Carla Stecco, Italy


Hanne Albert, Denmark


Jan Hartvigsen, Denmark


Maurits van Tulder, The Netherlands


Bart Koes, The Netherlands




Like the Singapore congress, moderators and speakers are chosen for their expertise in selected areas and will summarize presentations, clearly delineate opposing views and attempt to reach a consensus.


They will assist participants in evaluating the information presented.


The objectives of the congress will be achieved in a four day program, starting Monday, 28 October with plenary as well as multiple parallel sessions.


A poster exhibition will illustrate worldwide scientific progress in the field.




This 4-day congress will be held at the Flanders Meeting and Convention Center in Antwerp, Belgium on 28-31 October 2019.


Conviently located in the heart of Antwerp and next to the monumental Antwerp central station, the Flanders Meeting and Convention centre is also uniquely part of one of the world’s finest Art Nouveau Style zoo. This well preserved historical zoo is accessible to all our delegates, giving you an opportunity to chat with your colleagues while you stroll through the grounds.


All relevant information is available on the website, which is updated on a regular basis: www.worldcongresslbp.com