Dear EANS-members,
We would like to take this opportunity to introduce the latest Task Force within the EANS: the Diversity Task Force (DTF).
The development of this DTF was initiated last year during the 2019 EANS Annual Congress (AC) in Dublin, Ireland, with the goal to tackle disparity (of any kind) within our professional field. The DTF currently consists of 10 EANS members, but you are more than welcome to join us.
Neurosurgical patients are found all over the world. Nevertheless, the density of neurosurgical care is different. Since neurosurgery is global, neurosurgery affects different cultures, expectations, interests, genders, skin colors, role models, restrictions and challenges. Neurosurgery is with all these aspects of diversity in a European and global exchange.
Now more than ever, we know that acceptance and embracement of diversity is of utmost importance for a successful future. Although our European diversity might be of different character than what we currently experience overseas, it certainly exists. Therefore we would like to be connected to all of you and read about injustice done within the |
neurosurgical society in order to address it and help each improve our society.
Get in contact with us at diversity@eans.org. Your identity will only be known to Doortje Engel and Silvia Hernandez-Duran - your input will be discussed anonymously!
Besides working with and on YOUR personal input, several goals and plans exist. We have added the list below.
Our main goal is to investigate and report any widespread concerns as regards to diversity amongst European neurosurgery and make recommendations to improve these concerns.
Our plans for 2020/2021:
Connect with you.
Develop projects to investigate, report, and address any diversity concerns.
Increase visibility of diversity role-models in neurosurgery to overcome the perceived lack of diverse mentors. Biographies will be released on a biweekly basis on our internet site - follow us on Twitter to stay up to date!
Increase nomination of speakers from diversity backgrounds for the EANS AC, and lecturers/faculty from diverse backgrounds for the Training Courses.
Provide key-note lectures on leadership and career development during the EANS AC emphasizing successful career pathways and strategies to climb the career ladder.
Award a prize to attend a leadership course at the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT), Berlin, Germany (in English).
Further characterize the reasons for the female glass ceiling effect within European neurosurgery.
Provide an evidence-based white-paper for the establishment of parenthood policies in the neurosurgery workplace (working while pregnant, returning after parental leave, balancing family and career).
Provide assistance in cultural exchange to illustrate the idea of diversity in the world and in Europe.
Being a magnifier for the recognition of obstacles in diversity and also a supporter of problem solvers.
See who is involved in the DTF and read our (progress) updates on the EANS-DTF website (Diversity in Neurosurgery Task Force) and follow us on Twitter @EANS_Diversity to stay up to date.
Yours sincerely,
The Diversity Task Force |