Promotional feature: WOMBAT ST is a TLIF cage with an open-pore titanium grid structure that, with its defined pore design, imitates the architecture of natural bone.
The next generation of SIGNUS
In 1994, Uwe and Susanne Siedler jointly founded SIGNUS – based in Alzenau, Germany. Since 2015, daughter Mareike Siedler has also been fully committed to the mission of her parents' company.
31 May–3 June 2022, NSpine 2022; Portugal
The main conference covers the entire range of spinal conditions with over 200 lectures in up to five parallel sessions. The focus of NSpine meetings is on clinical problem solving and decision making.
The editorial board welcomes papers for publication in SSN. We would be pleased to receive short, topical, review-style articles, as well as relevant interviews, opinion pieces, meeting reports, book reviews and events listings for consideration. If you have something you would like to contribute please email the editor at SSN@barkerbrooks.co.uk