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In this issue
Original Article - Brain Injury |
COXIBRAIN: results of the prospective, randomised, phase II/III study for the selective COX-2 inhibition in chronic subdural haematoma patients
A. Schaumann, W. Klene, Chr. Rosenstengel, F. Ringel, J. Tüttenberg & P. Vajkoczy
Editorial (by Invitation) |
Clinical trials: do we need criteria for pre-study feasibility assessment?
Andrew I. R. Maas
Clinical Article - Brain Injury |
Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity in severe traumatic brain injury
Manish Joseph Mathew, Akhil Deepika, Dhaval Shukla, Bhagavatula Indira Devi & Venkatapura J. Ramesh
Clinical Article - Vascular |
Unruptured internal carotid artery bifurcation aneurysms: general features and overall results after modern treatment
Biagia La Pira, Waleed Brinjikji, Anthony M. Burrows, Harry J. Cloft, Roanna L. Vine & Giuseppe Lanzino
Editorial (by Invitation) |
Editorial: Peculiarities of unruptured internal carotid artery bifurcation aneurysms
Alex Alfieri & Lehel Török
Letter to the editor - Vascular |
Spontaneous resorption of giant serpentine aneurysm arising from middle cerebral artery
Lijie Huang, Linhui Ruan, Mark Nyanzu & Qichuan Zhuge
Review Article - Vascular |
Relationship between venous drainage subtypes and sub-arachnoid hemorrhage subtypes: a meta-analysis
Chandra Prakash Yadav, Jie Shen, Mohan Karki & Bing Zhao
Experimental Research - Vascular |
Levosimendan, a new therapeutic approach to prevent delayed cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage?
Juergen Konczalla, Stefan Wanderer, Jan Mrosek, Erdem Gueresir, Patrick Schuss, Johannes Platz, Volker Seifert & Hartmut Vatter
Pseudoaneurysm formation caused by the withdrawal of a Trevo ProVue stent at a tortuous cerebral vessel: a case report
Kouichi Misaki, Naoyuki Uchiyama, Masanao Mohri, Tomoya Kamide, Taishi Tsutsui, Naomi Kanamori, Keisuke Kurokawa & Mitsutoshi Nakada
Original Article - Vascular |
Point-by-point parent artery/sinus obliteration using detachable, pushable, 0.035-inch coils
Susumu Yamaguchi, Nobutaka Horie, Kentaro Hayashi, Shuji Fukuda, Yoichi Morofuji, Takeshi Hiu, Tsuyoshi Izumo, Minoru Morikawa & Takayuki Matsuo
Review Article - Vascular |
Arterial aneurysms associated with arteriovenous malformations of the brain: classification, incidence, risk of hemorrhage, and treatment—a systematic review
Federico Cagnazzo, Waleed Brinjikji & Giuseppe Lanzino
Management strategy for treatment of vasospasm following transsphenoidal excision of craniopharyngioma
Robert Nash, V. Elwell, S. Brew, M. Powell & J. P. Grieve
Clinical Article - Brain Tumors |
Surgical treatment of acromegaly according to the 2010 remission criteria: systematic review and meta-analysis
Daniele Starnoni, Roy Thomas Daniel, Laura Marino, Nelly Pitteloud, Marc Levivier & Mahmoud Messerer
Letter to the editor - Brain Tumors |
5-ALA fluorescence applied to glioneuronal tumors
Oriela Rustemi, Marina Paola Gardiman, Renato Scienza & Alessandro Della Puppa
Experimental Research - Brain Tumors |
Gender-specific growth dynamics of neurofibromatosis type-2-related tumors of the central nervous system
Anna Lawson McLean & Steffen Rosahl
Experimental Research - Neurosurgical Anatomy |
Surgical anatomy of the cavernous sinus, superior orbital fissure, and orbital apex via a lateral orbitotomy approach: a cadaveric anatomical study
Murat Ulutas, Suat Boyacı, Akın Akakın, Türker Kılıç & Kaya Aksoy
Experimental Research - Neurosurgical Anatomy |
The paramedian supracerebellar transtentorial approach to the posterior fusiform gyrus
Anthony M. T. Chau, Filippo Gagliardi, Adam Smith, Nicholas R. Pelzer, Fiona Stewart, Pietro Mortini, Samer K. Elbabaa, Anthony J. Caputy & Cristian Gragnaniello
How I Do it - Neurosurgical Techniques |
Purely endoscopic resection of pineal region tumors using infratentorial supracerebellar approach: How I do it
Ye Gu, Fan Hu & Xiaobiao Zhang
How I Do it - Neurosurgical Techniques |
Endoscopic radical hypophysectomy: how I do it
Eugenio Cárdenas Ruiz-Valdepeñas, Ariel Kaen & Gustavo Perez Prat
Experimental Research - Brain Injury |
Pathological changes of the hippocampus and cognitive dysfunction following frontal lobe surgery in a rat model
Santiago Hem, Romina Albite, Monica Loresi, Jorge Rasmussen, Pablo Ajler, Claudio Yampolsky, Joseph D. Chabot, Peter C. Gerszten & Ezequiel Goldschmidt
Letter to the editor - Neurosurgery Training |
WhatsAPP in neurosurgery: the best practice is in our hands
F. Graziano, R. Maugeri, A. Giugno & D. G. Iacopino