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In this issue
Review Article - History of Neurosurgery |
The history of head transplantation: a review
Nayan Lamba, Daniel Holsgrove & Marike L. Broekman
Editorial (by Invitation) |
Philosophical aspects of body transplantation
Torbjorn Tannsjo
Editorial (by Invitation) |
The EANS Ethico-legal Committee finds the proposed head transplant project unethical
Jannick Brennum
Letter to the editor - Neurosurgery Training |
A recent experience as neurosurgical registrar in UK. “Legal” differences with the Italian system and on-call duties
Lorenzo Nigro
Case Report - Brain Tumors |
Decision-making in a patient with cardiac arrest due to venous thromboembolism within 24 h after glioblastoma resection
D. Dubinski, S-Y. Won, M. Bruder, M-T. Forster, V. Seifert, C. Senft, J. Berkefeld & J. Mersmann
Clinical Article - Brain Tumors |
Resection of highly language-eloquent brain lesions based purely on rTMS language mapping without awake surgery
Sebastian Ille, Nico Sollmann, Vicki M. Butenschoen, Bernhard Meyer, Florian Ringel & Sandro M. Krieg
Original Article - Neurosurgical Techniques |
Comparison between electric-field-navigated and line-navigated TMS for cortical motor mapping in patients with brain tumors
Nico Sollmann, Moritz F. Goblirsch-Kolb, Sebastian Ille, Vicki M. Butenschoen, Tobias Boeckh-Behrens, Bernhard Meyer, Florian Ringel & Sandro M. Krieg
How I Do it - Neurosurgical Techniques |
How I do it. The pedicled temporoparietal fascia flap for skull base reconstruction after endonasal endoscopic approaches
Mathieu Veyrat, Benjamin Verillaud, Philippe Herman & Damien Bresson
Clinical Article - Neurosurgical Anatomy |
The association between the pulse pressure gradient at the cranio-cervical junction derived from phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging and invasively measured pulsatile intracranial pressure in symptomatic patients with Chiari malformation type 1
Radek Frič, Erika Kristina Lindstrøm, Geir Andre Ringstad, Kent-André Mardal & Per Kristian Eide
Clinical Article - Brain Injury |
Does aqueductal stenosis influence the lumbar infusion test in normal-pressure hydrocephalus?
Emilio Luis González-Martínez & David Santamarta
Clinical Article - Abstract |
Multimodal analysis to predict shunt surgery outcome of 284 patients with suspected idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus
Antti J. Luikku, Anette Hall, Ossi Nerg, Anne M. Koivisto, Mikko Hiltunen, Seppo Helisalmi, Sanna-Kaisa Herukka, Anna Sutela, Maria Kojoukhova, Jussi Mattila, Jyrki Lötjönen, Jaana Rummukainen, Irina Alafuzoff, Juha E. Jääskeläinen, Anne M. Remes, Hilkka Soininen & Ville Leinonen
Case Report - History of Neurosurgery |
Biofilm-associated infection: the hidden face of cerebrospinal fluid shunt malfunction
Roman Mounier, Natacha Kapandji, Ron Birnbaum, Fabrice Cook, Cristophe Rodriguez, Bibba Nebbad, David Lobo & Gilles Dhonneur
Editorial (by Invitation) |
Occult shunt infections—think of biofilms
Zvi Harry Rappaport
Technical Note - Neurosurgical Techniques |
Use of the Brainlab Disposable Stylet for endoscope and peel-away navigation
Jane Halliday & Ian Kamaly
Clinical Article - Neurosurgical Techniques |
The value of 3D-FIESTA MRI in detecting non-iatrogenic cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhoea: correlations with endoscopic endonasal surgery
Tao Xie, Wei Sun, Xiaobiao Zhang, Tengfei Liu, Hailing Ding, Fan Hu, Yong Yu & Ye Gu
Clinical Article - Brain Injury |
Management of bone fragments in nonmissile compound depressed skull fractures
Mohamed AbdelRahman AbdelFatah
Clinical Article - Brain Injury |
Can early clinical parameters predict post-traumatic pituitary dysfunction in severe traumatic brain injury?
O. Nemes, N. Kovacs, Sz. Szujo, B. Bodis, L. Bajnok, A. Buki, T. Doczi, E. Czeiter & E. Mezosi
Experimental Research - Functional |
Factors predicting the outcome following surgical treatment of mesial temporal epilepsy due to mesial temporal sclerosis
Rodrigo Antonio Rocha da Cruz Adry, Lucas Crociati Meguins, Sebastião Carlos da Silva Júnior, Carlos Umberto Pereira, Gerardo Maria de Araújo Filho & Lúcia Helena Neves Marques
Spinal cord stimulation during the antepartum and intrapartum periods: a case report showing no deleterious effect of conventional paraesthesia producing stimulation
Ahmad Abdelhai Moussa, Laurence Glancz, Mausumi Das & Surajit Basu