Message from EANS President, Andre Grotenhuis
At the start of the new year and half way through my term as president, I am taking this opportunity to tell you about where we are as an organisation and to inform you of our plans for the immediate and midterm future.
First and foremost, I wish you and your significant others a happy, healthy and successful New Year.
For the EANS, there were many highlights in 2016, but the immensely successful congress in Athens, organised so well by the local Greek team, led by Panagiotis Selviaridis, our PCO, AIM, led by Ms. Alexandra Seppi and our own executive office, led by our executive director Ms. Susie Hide, was undoubtedly the biggest event for us.
The latter is a wonderful team that has worked hard and will continue to work very hard in the best interests of our member societies and our 1,600 individual members. But I don’t need to remind you that we are still greatly dependent on a magnificent team of volunteers, in the Board and within the Sections and Committees: colleague-neurosurgeons who devote countless hours to make the EANS valuable for you as an individual neurosurgeon. Continued ...
Please click HERE to read the full text. |

EANS Aesculap Research Prize 2017
Thanks to the generosity of Braun Aesculap, we are once again delighted to be awarding two awards of €5000 each – one for best clinical research paper and one for best laboratory research paper!
Please click HERE to find out more about the application process and eligibility criteria. The deadline for submission si 5 March 2017.
Click HERE to watch a video of last year's winner of Best Clinical Paper, Katrin Rabiei, discussing her work. |
EANS Research Fund
We are delighted to announce the launch of the EANS Research Fund! The fund is designed to provide much needed support for neurosurgical research in Europe.
We will start by awarding ‘seed’ grants of €10,000 each to a small number of projects, competitively selected across multiple neurosurgical subspecialties. Our ultimate goal, which of course depends on the success of fund raising, is to offer significantly more extensive funding with the aim of developing a fellowship programme.

Applications for the inaugural awards will open shortly; application criteria and a link to the application form will shortly be available on
Prof Peter Hutchinson, current Secretary of the EANS, past Chair of the EANS Research Committee and a previous recipient of the prestigious Olivecrona prize, is leading this initiative and hopes to let you know more about our plans in the next newsletter.
In the meantime, the Office team will be delighted to answer any queries you may have, please contact |

7th Annual EANS Young Neurosurgeons' Meeting – Featuring the EANS Research Course:
Register today!
This year’s meeting focuses on Pathologies of the Spinal Cord (see preliminary programme) and features state of the art talks, pro/con debates, round table sessions and case discussions.
The meeting is immediately preceded by an EANS Research Course, taking place from 11am to 6.40pm on 6th April – have a look at the preliminary programme HERE!
The event is aimed at neurosurgeons who have qualified relatively recently, and may be of particular interest to those who have completed the EANS Training Courses.
Register now at!
Interested in finding out more? Watch Wouter Moojen and Hanne-Rinck Jeltema talk about the YN meetings below.
Get to Know ... Ian Stuart
Ian Stuart is a Founder Member and Co-ordinator of Cavernoma Alliance UK. We are very grateful for his participation in this month's Get to Know feature.
A 3cm brainstem cavernoma announced itself with a bleed in 1987. At that time I was a student at the University of California [...] The bleed from my cavernoma left me with four symptoms.
• Holmes tremor affecting my right side
• Dysarthria – slurred speech (sound like a drunk)
• Diplopia – double vision on periphery
• Gait ataxia – imbalance when walking
At diagnosis, my initial question to the neurosurgeon was “can my cavernoma be removed”? The surgeon replied that the lesion could be resected observing: “either you take the risk of paralysis or death on the operating table or spread the risk of decline over the years”. For better or worse, I chose the latter. Continued ...
Read the full text HERE.
EANS Dubai Training Course – 4th Cycle!
We are delighted to announce that the 4th cycle of the EANS Dubai Training Course – Spinal Neurosurgery will take place from 23 - 26 March 2017 at the Raffles Hotel, Dubai.
Please click HERE for further details. |
European Board Examination in Neurological Surgery: to be Offered in Dubai on 22 March
A unique opportunity to sit the Part I (written) exam will be offered on the afternoon of 22 March 2017 at the Raffles Hotel, Dubai
All enquiries to
Updates from the EANS Sections for Spinal and Vascular Neurosurgery
We are delighted to bring your attention to an update on the EANS Spinal Neurosurgery Section's activities – please click HERE.
And please click HERE for an update on the activities of the EANS Vascular Neurosurgery Section.
Many thanks to the Chairs and Board members of these Sections. |
Professor Yücel Kanpolat (1941-2016) – Obituary
Please click HERE to read the obituary of Professor Yücel Kanpolat, written by Professor M Necmattin Pamir.
Professor Kanpolat served as Chairman of the EANS Research Committee from 1999 to 2003, and Vice President of the EANS from 2003 to 2007. |
EANS Sessions at the NSpine Main Conference!
London, 12 - 15 June 2017
Coordinated by the EANS Spine Section, the EANS will put on two full-day sessions at this comprehensive spinal amount. The sessions are: Intraspinal Tumours on Wednesday 14 June, and Spinal Cord Injuries on Thursday 15 June. Featured speakers include Maarten Coppes, Marcel Ivanov, Jesús Lafuente, Bernhard Meyer, Wilco Peul, Enrico Tessitore and others! Please click HERE for the preliminary programme of the EANS Sessions.
Register for NSpine now!


Event Report:
EANS HandsOn Course - Lyon
January 9 to 13 saw the 10th Edition of the Lyon Hands-on Course. This excellent general cadaver course has become extremely popular and is always heavily over-subscribed.
We offer our big thanks to Professor Patrick Mertens, head of the Lyon department, and course director Emile Simon, whose commitment to the course has ensured its continued success (pictured right being presented with a "10th birthday" cake).
We would also like to offer our thanks to the faculty, who so generously give of their time, and the top-class lab and office staff in Lyon who ensure the smooth running of the Course. Big thanks also to the sponsors for their generosity, and of course the participants.
Full details of the course can be found at It is still possible to pre-register for June's course, registration will open in February.
Event Report:
Vilnius Training Course
The Winter Cycle of the TC – Head Injury and Functional Neurosurgery – took place in Vilnius, Lithuania, 22 - 25 January 2017.
The new format of the TC continues to evolve as the experiece of the previous courses is taken into consideration. Many thanks to TC Chair Karl Schaller and TC Chair Elect Torstein Meling and all the Training Committee for their continued efforts and considerable commitment. Big thanks also to our local host, Saulius Rocka for all his help and kindness.
We were very grateful once again to have Professors Di Meco and Perin and their team from the BESTA Institute in Milan arrange and run the second Cranial Simulation Session for selected trainees within the EANS TC. Please click HERE to see an initial report on the simulation sessions.
Our thanks also to the generosity of sponsors and industry partners whose continued support is invaluable.
As ever, the outstanding academic programme was supplemented with a much appreciated social programme – in particular the final night's dinner, with the usual high-calibre 4th Year Show.
We wish all the graduating 4th years all the best and hope to see you soon at other EANS events – notably the Young Neurosurgeons' Meeting in Amsterdam this April! – and we look forward to welcoming the remaining and new Winter Cycle participants to next year's course in Edinburgh!
Survey Reminder: Surgical Procedure for Lumbar Disc Herniation
A kind reminder that we would be most grateful for your participation in this survey whose goal is to assess the preferences of surgeons on surgical procedure for lumbar disc herniation.
If you would like to participate in this research, we request you to fill out the form containing 15 questions. Filling in the survey, will take you up to 10 minutes.
Survey link:
With gratitude and the best wishes,
On behalf of
Dr. Sanjay Harhangi, neurosurgeon, Erasmus MC: University Medical Centre Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Prof. dr. Wilco Peul, neurosurgeon, PhD, MBA Leiden University Medical Center, the Netherlands
Pravesh Gadjradj BSc, PhD-candidate Neurosurgery |
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