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Monday, 13 February 2017  

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ISASS 2017

Top stories


Minimally invasive surgery “safe and effective” treatment for AIS

Studies have shown positive results for the minimally invasive treatment of adult scoliosis. Little research has been published, however, on the results of minimally invasive scoliosis surgery to treat adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. A new study has shown the approach to be an “effective and safe alternative” to open surgery for the treatment of Lenke Type 5C adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.

Text neck

EUROSPINE offers advice on preventing “text neck”

Thousands of smartphones were bestowed upon a loved one during the holidays. Many of us use them multiple times, every day. Bending the neck to look at a screen, however, means that neck muscles have to pull up to five times as much weight as at rest. EUROSPINE has issued guidance on the prevention of strain associated with "text neck".

Back pain

Article outlines guidance for hip-spine syndrome diagnosis

Patients with complex “hip-spine syndrome” have lower back and hip pain with no clear source of their discomfort. An article published in the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons offers advice on diagnosing and treating patients appropriately.

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AANS Neurosurgery video

AANS Neurosurgery: Stepwise illustration of teeth-fixation semi-constrained cervical disc arthroplasty

In this video from the Journal of Neurosurgery, researchers present the case of a 53-year-old woman with “symptoms of both radiculopathy and myelopathy caused by a large, calcified disc herniation at C4–5.”

Product news

ChoiceSpine Harrier

ChoiceSpine acquires Exactech’s spine assets, launches Harrier ALIF system

Exactech has sold its spine assets to ChoiceSpine, as part of a “restructuring” and “divesture” move. ChoiceSpine has also released Harrier, an anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) system.

SpineGuard DSG

USPTO grants SpineGuard patent for use of DSG as a bone-quality measure

SpineGuard has been granted a patent by the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for the application of its Dynamic Surgical Guidance (DSG) technology to bone quality measurement.

Mainstay Medical ReActiv8

First commercial implantation of Mainstay Medical’s ReActiv8 performed in Germany

The implantation was performed by Francis Kilian, orthopaedic and neurosurgeon at the Catholic Hospital Koblenz-Montabaur in Koblenz, Germany.

Write to us:

Editor: Katie Hignett - katie@bibamedical.com

Advertise with us:

Noora Lobo - noora@bibamedical.com

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